ASI receives NYS-DOH-ELAP Approval for Legionella testing
Analytical Services, Inc. (ASI) is pleased to announce that the New York State Department of Health Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program (NYS-DOH-ELAP) has awarded our laboratory full approval for Legionella culture analysis (ISO 11731), effective 07 June 2017.
ASI is NYS Lab #12021; we have been helping our NY-based clients be compliant with NYS and NYC Legionella-related regulations for cooling towers since receiving interim approval from NYS in July 2016. Prior to these regulations, ASI has tested samples from NY for Legionella since 2006.
ASI is also certified under the CDC-ELITE Program for Legionella testing – and has been since 2009. (ELITE = Environmental Legionella Isolation Techniques Evaluation)
ASI is also accredited under NELAC/TNI by New Hampshire Environmental Accreditation Program (NH-ELAP) for a variety of parameters and matrices; we have provided microbiological testing services to clients throughout the United States for more than 20 years.
Incorporated in 1993, ASI is a nationally recognized, full service environmental microbiology laboratory. ASI provides reliable, defensible Legionella data to clients throughout the U.S. for regulatory compliance or as part of ASHRAE 188-2015 water safety plans. As an independent, 3rd party testing laboratory, ASI has no conflict of interest - we do not provide water treatment chemicals, or cooling tower services, nor do we sell water management plans.
Located in Williston, Vermont, ASI is part of the Institute for Environmental Health (IEH) Laboratory and Consulting Group, with corporate headquarters in Lake Forest Park, WA.